e-Tender Invited in the National e-GP System portal (http://www.eprocure.gov.bd) for the procurement of the following works under EED-RAJBARI District as mentioned below:
This is an online Tender. Where only e-Tender will be accepted in the National e-GP portal and no offline/hard copies will be accepted. To submit e-Tender, registration in the National e-GP system Portal (https://www.eprocure.gov.bd) is required. The fees for downloading the e-Tender Document from the National e-GP System Portal have to be deposited online through any registered Banks branches. Further information and guideline are available in the National e-GP System Portal from e-GP help desk (helpdesk@eprocure.gov.bd)
পরিকল্পনা ও বাস্তবায়নে: মন্ত্রিপরিষদ বিভাগ, এটুআই, বিসিসি, ডিওআইসিটি ও বেসিস